Thursday, March 22, 2012

Five Artists for Friday

Greetings!  Thursday nights are always a favorite night of the week.  Tonight, it was a little jog in this beautiful weather, watching 30 Rock, take-out from Chengo's Noodle House, and looking forward to a long weekend in the studio.  Also, Thursday's mean a little down time to look at art online.  Here are some things I have been looking at this week...

"The Cape" 
60x60 cm 
mixed media on canvas

"Hole V"
5 ' x 6'
oil on canvas

"A Few Hours of Sunlight"
Acrylic on Canvas

"It All Relates"
Acrylic on paper

oil on panel

Damien Kamholtz's work I have admired for a while.  He is an Australian artist I got to know working at a summer camp nearly a decade ago (Camp Gwynn Valley in Brevard, N.C).  We actually did a small number of collaborative drawings together one summer.  

Claire Sherman's work I stumbled upon while perusing the blog The Jealous Curator.  If you haven't already, check this blog out, it's great!  ("Damn,  I wish I thought of that!")

Misato Suzuki's work quietly shouted out at me on Pinterest tonight.

Ky Anderson, hmm...not exactly sure where I came across these paintings, but I think it was Pinterest too.

Carole Marine I stumbled upon while visiting this blog Visual Composing recommended by a potter friend (whom I recently reconnected with) Judi Isaak, who has a studio at Tannery Row Artist Colony in historic Buford, Georgia.  I was excited to see many richly painted still life paintings by Ms. Marine on her "Painting a Day" blog.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


photo credit:  Neest blog

Simple.  I love simple things.  In browsing virtual-land, I came across this company out of France called Neest.  (I am desperately trying to remember how I found them, it may have been another blog, or Pinterest but eek, can't remember!) Their products for the home are designed with elegance and simplicity in mind and are influenced by both Japanese and Scandinavian design.   Check out their blog for more home inspiration!

In a hectic world full of constant motion and stress inducers, our visual surroundings can play a part in how we take in the day.  I love finding objects that visually remind me to stop for a moment and take a breath.   

Simplicity and taking a moment to breath are what I had in mind in this new series of drawings only available through my Etsy shop.  Here is one from the series:

watercolor and graphite on paper

Thursday, March 15, 2012

New work going to Gregg Irby Fine Art

In just a few days I will be bringing new work to GIFA in Atlanta.  I have been making acrylic paintings on canvas and more watercolors.  Here is a preview of what will be there...

acrylic on canvas

acrylic on canvas

"Connect no. 47"
watercolor on paper

"Connect no. 39" 
watercolor on paper

"Connect no. 43"
watercolor on paper

"Connect no. 41"
watercolor on paper

Gregg will be taking the gallery to Charlotte, N.C. next week!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pretty dresses

What do you do when your mind is so busy you can't sleep?  Go on pinterest of course!  I am always overwhelmed by the many, many beautiful things out there that people design such as this dress by Paul & Joe Sister available on NET - A - PORTER.   Also found this...

I love the colors and love the patterns.  Yum.

Monday, March 12, 2012

In the works...

Good morning.

It's morning, the birds are chirping and the coffee is hot (a pretty darn good way to start the day).  I am getting ready to head off to the studio!  It is spring break here and I am a teacher, so bet you can guess what that means...all day painting!  The above photo is a little peek at what is going on in there right now.

Not only am I happy because I will spend the rest of this day (or at least the better portion of it) painting, I am happy that spring has arrived (although it seems a bit early, which may or may not be entirely well and good, another matter all together).  

With everything coming into bloom, I have decided to take on a new venture: blogging.  Now, this is not the first time I have started down this road.  My former blog, "stack layer stitch" had potential (well, maybe), but a short little life because I didn't keep it up.  It mainly contained photographs from my travels in Italy.  Once I returned stateside, you guessed it, no more blogging.

So here we go, take two.  Spring is all about starting, again.

This watercolor (above) of an old, modest-scaled, lovely, pale yellow Italian building, with a garland of wisteria welcoming you to the entrance, is where I was this time last year.  On a teaching assignment in Cortona, Italy I watched spring come into bloom within the Etruscan walls of this quiet Italian town upon a mountain top. This is the studio art building located on The University of Georgia's campus, abroad.  The watercolor is in my sketchbook (hence the seam down the middle).

This is that entrance I was telling you about.  Simply lovely.  Ah...memories.

Any favorite things about spring you'd like to share?  Please do, I'd love to hear!