photo credit: Kate Davison |
Kate Davison's instgram feed is drool worthy! I was doing an "explore" search and this coral and blue wall image immediately grabbed my attention. Well, all of her images were found to be attention grabbers which led me to seek out more about her. I then found her freshly minted San Fransisco home featured on SF Girl by Bay blog. Man is this home awesome. Light and airy, cozy and comfortable; you can read more about Kate and her interests here.
photo credit: Rachel Cannon Lewis rclinteriors Her blog here
Pretty interiors are always images I want to see everyday. Rachel Cannon Lewis of RCL Interiors posts beautiful details for the home such as this pillow with its elegant design and coral color. On her blog you can see great before and after shots as well as rooms to inspire your designer heart.
photo via architizer
Don't you just love good architecture? I sure do! Images like this make me swoon and daydream of one day owning a home of my own. I love the simplicity of this structure, and all the windows! A home filled with lots of natural light is so dreamy. A small space that is thoughtful in its details is one for me. See more architecture here on Architizer.
photo credit: Krista Colman-Silvers |
Krista is a dear friend with whom I've shared Italian coffees and gelatos and a little of the good life in Tuscany when we taught together on a study abroad program. She is a jeweler and makes exquisite work, and she is exquisite herself. I've always loved her sense of style, and I love seeing what her eye notices through her instagram pics!
photo credit: Sarah Sherman Samual more about Sarah and her studio project here
Its been a fun eye opening journey, Instagram that is. I have found that I enjoy following people, like Sarah, who present beautiful images in a thoughtful way. They surround themselves with beauty in a way that is not over the top or flashy but with subtlety and elegance. These, to me, virtual worlds inspire my physical world with how they direct my eye to things I might have otherwise missed. I think surrounding oneself with beauty is important. One's physical surroundings affect one's overall sense of well being. A space makes you feel...
photo credit: Lulu and Georgia
After coming across an image on Lulu and Georgia's instagram feed, I knew I had to keep seeing more. Here you can find elegant and visually top notch finds for the home. I am personally really into the rugs they carry. Follow the link here to see more. It's a great place to get inspired if you are decorating (or daydreaming about decorating) your home.
photo credit: Emily Quinton
Emily Quinton is a photographer, blogger, mother, and maker. Her daily photographs, often of gorgeous flowers and other botanicals are always a delight to see throughout the day. She also teaches workshops for bloggers to help them create beautiful images to share using the tools they already have. Her feed is daily doses of lovely.
photo credit: Marte Marie Forsberg
Marte Marie Forsberg is a Norweigen photographer and home cook from Dorset, England whom I've enjoyed following because of her subjects and the care-filled, beautiful way she depicts them. Take a look at her site, Food For Thought, and see how she celebrates the journey of food.
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photo credit: Michelle Armas
Michelle Armas is a Gregg Irby artist also and I am also so grateful for the friendships I've formed through the gallery (can I just mention here that the GIFA gallery is made up of damn good people and I couldn't be more thankful for that). While all of Michelle's energy-fused works are stunning, one of Michelle's latest painting has me drooling. Here is a detail of her painting titled: They Don't Have any Proof...
Thanks for looking and reading. Until next time...