Monday, April 23, 2012

The Art Cake!

Check it out, a feature on my paintings just went live on The Art Cake blog.  If you haven't visited this blog before, it is fantastic!  Christi from Portland, Oregon keeps us up to date on great art and design finds.  I have been enjoying following Christi on her art finding adventures and am so appreciative and honored to her for featuring my work here.  Thank you to The Art Cake!!  Feel free to share away!


  1. Love this! Doing more cut paper?

  2. So sorry for such a delayed response....I have completely let my blog go, but this will change soon. Working on getting back into the swing with attempt take 2! Have not made any cut paper pieces in a while but they are still on the brain, hopefully in the near future! Will let you know when I do :)
