Saturday, June 9, 2012

Hot Summer

Well, it's not too hot yet here in Georgia, but things are heating up.  We have had some beautiful days of temps in the low 80s with a gently cooling breeze.  This photograph of the sun was from an afternoon of pic-nic-ing with Ian at the State Botanical Gardens of Georgia after a long lie in the grass and getting a wee little sunburn.

It has been a productive month in the studio.  The month has been solid painting, exercising (running, swimming, visits to the Y) and a few social outings sprinkled in here and there.  It has been a very nice break from teaching and am feeling recharged for teaching this summer semester, which commenced Friday.   

A number of 20-50" paintings are in the works  (and a forthcoming show at GIFA in February 2013...details to come).  Playing around with thicker paint and a palette knife, just for kicks.  Hey, it's summer.  Feels like time to experiment.

A recent project (also on the playful side) is this skate board deck that I painted for a show titled "The Board Room" which is opening Thursday night June 14 from 6:30-9:30pm.  The walls will be "boarded up" with 55 skate decks, each individually imagined and hand-painted by local artists.  The show takes place at our Hotel Indigo Art Gallery in Athens.  Curated by Didi Dunphy, this gallery has an ongoing lineup of lively, beautifully curated, thoughtful shows featuring many local Athens artists, is open 24 hours so you can see art whenever you want!  

Of course, I painted the main design on the seemed a logical place for a design to go....can you tell that I have never been much of a skater?  Or does this count; a brief stint at age 7 where my "Joe Cool" Snoopy board (won at a Chucky Cheese) attempted our gravel driveway at my family's Ohio farm house? Ya, I didn't think so.

Happy summer to you!